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Germany and US announce plans to send tanks to Ukraine in major sign of support for Kyiv

January, 2023 – Washington, D.C. – In a historic move, the leaders of the United States and Germany have announced they will be sending contingents of tanks to Ukraine in a show of support for the country’s efforts to retake territory seized by Russia.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced that Germany will be sending Leopard 2 tanks, while President Joe Biden announced that the United States will be providing 31 M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, reversing the administration’s longstanding resistance to requests from Kyiv for the highly sophisticated but maintenance-heavy vehicles.

The dual announcements came after weeks of intense pressure on Berlin from some of its NATO allies, and follow prolonged diplomacy between Germany, the United States, and other European allies. The decisions were made as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky prepares for a new Russian offensive this spring.

Speaking from the White House, President Biden emphasized that the tanks will “enhance Ukraine’s capacity to defend its territory and achieve its strategic objectives” in both the near and long terms, and that they should not be viewed by Moscow as an “offensive threat.”

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed the US and German decisions, saying they will “significantly strengthen” Ukraine’s combat capabilities.

The US decision to provide Abrams tanks to Ukraine represents an abrupt about-face from its earlier stated position, as the Biden administration had previously stated that it was not the right time to send the tanks due to their cost and maintenance requirements. The tanks will take months to arrive, and will require extensive training for Ukrainian troops on how to operate and service them.

This is a significant development in the ongoing situation in Ukraine, and demonstrates the united Western response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The US and Germany’s actions will provide Ukraine with powerful new tools in their efforts to retake seized territory and defend their nation.

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